Sunday, August 14, 2011

It's been awhile...

I worked on developing the story plot for Otaku Days, a comic series that will someday be worked on. Right now I'm just developing the idea.

Been playing with Paint Tool SAI the last week or so and absolutely love it! This slowly went from being a simple sketch, to taking two hours of work. 

I know it seems like I haven't been doing much, but I've also been preparing for BC in October so my time has been divided up lately. But I hope to upload more of my sketches later this month :)

Anyway, that's what I've been up to and I'm almost done writing out plots and characters to the kazzilion comic ideas running in my head. My goal is to have these written down so I'm not swamped and/or forget scenes. 

donec tempus

Monday, July 25, 2011

So Tired...

I've been really busy lately. Well, not in the sense of running around and going places, just working my poor imagination to the ground with my projects. Black Dawn has officially sucked up my naming ability (so many f*** places and people!!) which has made it hard to help other people who are asking my opinions on things. Fortunally, this happened after I plotted Rune Spirit which is a very special collaboration project with my good friend, Katrina Brown. I spent so long working on Black Dawn, that I totally forgot about Rune Spirit which is a shame. It's a very good story, I just forgot to work on it! But I've written the plot for it, just have to develop the characters more and spend some time with KB in order to finalize what all the characters look like.

Here's the summary:

Magic: the blood of the planet that flows through the atmosphere of the planet, fueling the magic in select individuals who are able to use the life blood to carry out their wills, be it for the self or others.

Maria Hartman has always resented magic users, even when she was selected to become an potential to work with weilders. But her opinion changes when she meets one Liam Christopher who seems to bear a grudge against her, though she hasn't the faintest idea as to what. As she becomes more involved with weilders, Maria learns secrets that were kept from her, wrongs done, and betrayl by those she considered family.

I must say I'm almost as excited for this project to get going as I am for Black Dawn. And that means a lot to me as the writer. But yes, KB and I will hopefully be able to sit down and discuss Rune Spirit soon and start writing/planning more pages. We've already finished most of the first chapter, just have to get going soon or there will be a long wait since I have boot-camp soon. 

donec tempus

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Plotting Black Dawn

For the last few weeks, I've been working almost non-stop on the plotline for Black Dawn. Just to help with that I bought Plot & Structure by James Scott Bell and so far I'm loving the advice that he gives. Not only is the book helpful, but it pointed out a bunch of stuff that I didn't think was important when plotting a story! 

Now, thanks to that book, I've finally been able to organize some/most of my thoughts concerning Black Dawn and can focus on writing the damn thing >:D 

On a super bright side, went to Harry Potter :)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Brain Overload Already??

I've only just started working on Black Dawn and already my brain is overworking itself. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but I'm having trouble keeping everything in my head straight. I guess that's why people write down their ideas as they come and go! Either way I hope that my mind calms down a bit.

On a more irritating note, the book I'm illustrating for isn't going the best. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the characters, but small changes such as hair style throw me off. That goes for my character as well. Originally, Arina had short hair and now it's longer and Morakai has shorter hair and it's a different color. I honestly despise when moments like that happen!

Well enough of me whining about he small stuff. Right now I'm looking for someone to talk to about my novel (characters, plotline, etc.) and anyone who is interested, please leave a comment.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Cutting Down

For those of you who don't know, I tend to enjoy giving myself projects to do over the summer. Well, this year I've decided to focus on three main projects. Writing my book, working on my fanfiction/comic, and doing illustrations for Jennifer Marie Vail's book Drake Knightridge.  So far, I've only been working on two of these projects, but I'm hoping to find a scanner (smirk) and upload my comic pages so that I can quickly color/tone them and upload them onto dA and fA. 

I honestly want to finish these projects relitively soon and it has nothing to do with college or the navy. I want to prove to myself that I can get a major project done in a reasonable timeframe (especially since I have no idea when I'll be able to work on these again!). 

On the bright side, I've finished most of the character development for my series and I've started writing. Mind it'll take awhile since I'm writing it on my iTouch, but hopefully I'll get more done now that I'm forced to take it everywhere :)

Now I only need to get moving on doing illustrations for Jennifer Marie Vail, and I should be set for the summer! It's a good thing I got a lot of money for graduation, otherwise I'd be a starving writer/artist!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Crappy, Yet Productive, Week

Been sick most of the week with a cold that is determined to kill me. I swear, I've never gotten a cold like this. Not only can I not breath through my nose, but I'm constantly having coughing attacks that last forever. 

On a brighter note, I've been working on Drake Knightridge for Jennifer Marie Vail, though I've been mostly doing reference work since I've never drawn a 12 year old boy before. It's proving to be a challenge, but one I happily accept. 

I've also been working a bit more on my Sephiroth/Cloud comic, though I'm still not sure if I'm going to draw it all out or if I'm just going to draw the prologue out and then do illustrations for the rest of it while writing it out. So far I'm leaning toward the latter option, but I still haven't decided.

I've also finished planning the storyline for my book series. Originally, I thought it was going to be only three books, but sadly, it's four books. And if I calculated the number of pages correctly, each book is around 450 pages long. Not that thick, but still a lot of work. But now that the plot line is done, I can work more on character development and planning out fighting scenes! The first book doesn't have a lot of battles, but there are a few fights that need to be planned out a little bit before writing. I'm dreading the third book, since a good portion of that is just fighting!!!

Anyway, I'm working hard to recover from this damned cold, and hope to be back to working on projects soon. For now, sleep shall take me and I'll rest more to recover from this very long week.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Drake Knightridge

Recently I started working on character designs for Jennifer Marie Vail's book "Drake Knightridge". I'm not certain that's the title, but that's what I'll call it for now. Anyway, since I did offer to draw illustrations for her book I thought that now would be a good time to practice drawing the characters! I'm really excited for this, especially since it's for a friend, and I hope that she'll include my illustrations!

In other news, I recently failed my AP Government tests! I'm not really sure what happened, but hopefully I'll make up some points in the essay! If not, then thank god for a few more weeks of school to make up some points.

I've also been considering doing a webshow. I know that this is sudden, especially since I hate filming myself, editing, and other things, but I thought it would be a pretty nifty idea to document my writing progress and illustration development for Jennifer Marie Vail. I'd love to hear your views, and ideas about a webshow!